Hand Hygiene Tips For Back To School

Children washing hands at school
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Hand Hygiene Tips For Back To School

Recent studies have shown that handwashing practices are returning to pre-pandemic levels - meaning we are not washing our hands enough to prevent the spread of infections like influenza, common colds and Coronavirus. That’s bad news for shared spaces like schools.  The good news - a new school year means re-establishing a set of proper hand hygiene habits that will impact your school’s confidence, attendance and overall health. 

Advantages of Proper Hand Hygiene in Schools

Better attendance

Preventing infections reduces absenteeism and keeps the curriculum on track. 

Improved health and mental wellbeing

When students and staff are healthy, well and productive; they are able to reach their potential, which impacts all mental health.

Confidence and peace of mind

Hand hygiene programs give people confidence that they are in a safe space that is proactive about the health and well-being of their people. 

How Poor Hand Hygiene Affects Schools

Spread of Infection

First and foremost, a lack of hand hygiene puts people at risk of infection. Proper hand washing remains one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread within the facility walls and the outside larger community. 


There is a negative perception of facilities that are not taking all necessary precautions for the safety and well-being of their community. 

Keeping Hands Clean

Keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps to avoid getting sick, and spreading germs to others.


Sharing knowledge of proper hand hygiene and preparing school staff and students about infection prevention is essential to reduce absenteeism and the spread of illnesses. When everyone understands the impact, importance, and process, they are more likely to follow the guidelines. 


As you already know - when you provide the structures for students, they make better decisions and create new routines. Take away any barriers to proper hand hygiene by providing touch-free soap and sanitizer solutions at key locations that are highly visible and easy to access, like desks and all entrances (main doors, washrooms, classrooms, cafeteria). Frequent hand washing and sanitizing can be harsh on hands, so choose products that are gentle and sustainable like Enviro-Solutions® ES41 AllOrganic Foaming Hand Soap, Enviro-Solutions® ES44 Unscented Foaming Hand Soap, or Enviro-Solutions® ES42 Foaming Hand Sanitizer

With trusted hand hygiene products throughout the school coupled with inspiring lesson plans and activities, schools can make wellness a daily lesson for their students.

Encourage by example

People mirror behaviour more than words alone.  For students to take hand hygiene seriously, all faculty and staff need to lead by example and set the habits, routines and behaviours. 

Teacher helping child with hand santizer at school

Keeping Surfaces Clean

It is not surprising that teaching is among the germiest of jobs. Particularly in K-12, surfaces that teachers and students touch contain 10x more bacteria per square inch when compared to other professions. Cleaning ‘hot spots’ regularly using multi-purpose cleaners and disinfectants like the Enviro-Solutions® 72/64 hydrogen peroxide program helps reduce germs' spread. This program is simple and effective. It allows staff to clean multiple areas and surfaces using a colour-coded, single dispensing solution.

Some of the high-touch surfaces to focus on are:

  • Bathroom and toilet door handles
  • Faucets, soap dispensers and hand-dryers
  • Vending machines
  • Locker doors and locks
  • Water fountains
  • Cafeteria tables and trays
  • Desktops, backrests & seat arms
  • Computer keyboard & mouse
  • Kitchen cupboards, coffee machines, cutlery, milk containers
  • Gym equipment and matting

Hand Hygiene Programs for Schools

Enviro-Solutions® Hand Hygiene program includes innovative products and dispensers that are easy and affordable to implement.  Their first-to-market organic foaming hand soap is safe and gentle for your students, staff and environment.

Find out more about the Enviro-Solutions Hand Hygiene program and download the free handwashing poster below.

Hand Hygiene Program and Hand Washing Poster

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