The Pros and Cons of Purchasing, Leasing, and Renting Dishwashers

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The Pros and Cons of Purchasing, Leasing, and Renting Dishwashers

In the dynamic landscape of commercial kitchens, choosing the right dishwashing equipment is crucial for efficiency, productivity, and cost-effectiveness. However, making the best decision can be challenging with multiple options, including purchasing, leasing, and renting. Let's explore the pros and cons of each approach to help you unlock flexibility and optimize your dishwashing operations.

Purchasing Dishwashers: Pros and Cons


  • Complete Control: Purchasing offers the advantage of full ownership, allowing you to customize, modify, or sell the equipment as needed.
  • Long-Term Cost Savings: While the initial investment may be higher, owning the equipment outright can result in long-term cost savings, especially when you use the dishwasher for an extended period.
  • Flexibility: With ownership comes flexibility in maintenance, upgrades, and usage, giving you greater control over your operations. 
  • Re-sell Value: When you upgrade or change your machine, you can re-sell your unit towards a new piece of equipment.


  • Capital Investment: Purchasing dishwashers require a significant upfront investment, which may strain your budget or impact cash flow.
  • Maintenance Responsibility: As the owner, without service programs, you're responsible for all maintenance, repairs, and servicing costs, which can add up over time.  You can, however, purchase a machine with a service program that covers maintenance and emergency repairs.   

Leasing Dishwashers: Pros and Cons


  • Lower Initial Costs: Leasing typically requires minimal upfront costs, making it a more accessible option for businesses with limited capital.
  • Fixed Payments: Lease agreements often come with fixed monthly payments, allowing for better budgeting and cash flow management. Try this leasing cost calculator to determine what that might look like for you. 
  • Maintenance Included: Many lease agreements include maintenance and servicing as part of the package, reducing the burden on the lessee.
  • Tax Incentives: You may be eligible for tax incentives to make an energy-efficient investment in your business.


  • No Ownership Rights: Unlike purchasing, leasing does not confer ownership rights, meaning you cannot modify or sell the equipment until the completion of the lease term.
  • Long-Term Costs: While leasing may offer lower initial costs, the total cost of ownership over the lease term may be higher than purchasing outright.
  • Contractual Obligations: Lease agreements come with contractual obligations, including lease terms, termination fees, and restrictions on usage, which may limit flexibility.
  • Markups & Penalties: Depending on the supplier you work with, there may be some premiums on insuring the machine and requiring you to use specific chemicals at a markup. If you end the lease early, you may be subject to a buyout fee.   It’s essential to fully understand and negotiate the terms before signing up for a lease. 

Renting Dishwashers: Pros and Cons


  • No Long-Term Commitment: Renting allows you to avoid long-term commitments or financial obligations, providing greater flexibility and agility.  It's particularly suitable for businesses with temporary/seasonal needs, such as events or pop-up kitchens. 
  • Maintenance Included: Like leasing, rental agreements often include maintenance and servicing, minimizing downtime and operational disruptions.


  • Higher Overall Costs: While renting may offer immediate access to equipment, the cumulative cost over time can be higher than purchasing or leasing.
  • Dependency on Suppliers: Renting requires reliance on suppliers for availability, quality, and timely delivery, which may pose logistical challenges or risks. A chemical program is required as part of the rental agreement. 
  • Older Equipment: The rental machines are used and may not be the most energy-efficient and innovative models available. 

Conclusion: Finding the Right Fit for Your Business

In conclusion, purchasing, leasing, or renting dishwashers depends on various factors, including your budget, operational needs, and long-term goals. Each option offers advantages and disadvantages, and finding the right fit requires careful consideration of your unique circumstances. By understanding the pros and cons of each approach, you can unlock flexibility and make informed decisions that optimize your dishwashing operations for success.


Swish offers purchasing, leasing and rental options for trusted brands like CMA, Meiko, Champion, and Hobart.  Let our industry experts help you find the suitable model and service plan that fits your needs and budget. 

Find out more about our dishmachine purchasing options here. 

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